Age | 4~7
Composition | Storybook (10 volumes)
Block (1 set, 180 pcs), QR Video
Build Thinking Skills and Creativity with Fun Stories and Blocks
This series is a sequel to the popular <Fun Logics & Creativity Book>. New logical and creative thinking skills that couldn’t be in the last series is in this series.
New and exciting stories help children learn different logical and creative thinking skills. Short information boxes and thinking questions are placed during the story to make children think more, while end-of-book activities give a fun reviewing experience for children.
Now children can create 23 new types of block objects. Detailed instructions and QR videos help children complete the objects, and help build logical thinking process by following the process.
Deeper Thinking Skills & Topic Explanations
Learn about a new thinking skill, and how it can help improve a thought process.
▲ Vol. 10 <Always Twinkling> : Story
Follow the story and learn how ‘openness’ changed the way people look at the broken glass jars
▲ Vol. 10 <Always Twinkling> : Activity
Learn more about ‘openness’, and apply it with fun activities
Transforming Blocks Growing Creativity
Each block can be transformed and used in other applications, helping children enhance their imagination & thinking skills.
▲ Forklift
▲ Robot
Logical Thinking (5 Vols.)
How Do We Defeat the Wolf?(Application)
Restaurant Moon Dumpling Has Changed(Replacement)
The Story of Nolf(Grasping Key Point)
Join Us for Snow Sports Day! (Explanation)
Creative Thinking (5 Vols.)
Find Princess Snail! (Sensitivity)
The Adventure of Little Elephant Konia (Active Thinking)
Opengi’s House is the Best (Originality)
Hey, Moongchi! (Curiosity)
Always Twinkling(Openness)
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Office Adress : 12Fl., Kyowon Naewei Bldg., 51 Euljiro. Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 04539
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